Ohio Woman Heartbroken When She Saw What Happened To Her Precious Foster Pup

Reintroducing Nacho – an adoption story 4.5 years in the making ✨

When COVID hit in early 2020, I decided to start fostering dogs. I met the behavior team at Nebraska Humane Society and for some reason unbeknownst to me, they entrusted me with fostering diamond dogs 😅 aka diamonds in the rough aka pups with a variety of behavior issues. My first two fosters got adopted quickly. Then I picked up this white-and-black-spotted-blue-eyed-strong-boy named Nacho as my third foster. Somewhere between the bruises he gave me, counters he surfed, bottles of wine he made me drink, and training tip phone calls with NHS behavior team, I fell in love with the little mans. As much as I wanted to adopt, I knew I was a few weeks away from bringing Cash home and I couldn’t fathom owning two large breed dogs at once. Three months into fostering, Nacho was adopted out and for the next four years I wondered about him often.

I moved back to Ohio and in June of this year, Cash expectedly passed due to a ruptured tumor. It was rough and I miss her (still). I knew I couldn’t adopt again until it felt right. Fast forward to a week ago, I received a text from @_shortyv who noticed Nacho (now Raiden) back on NHS’s website. His second stint at NHS was approx 6 weeks as an unclaimed stray and it took me approx 2 seconds after seeing updated photos to know I had to drive back to Nebraska for him. So that’s what I did on Friday. He has been re-named back to Nacho, and is settling in so nicely like the king he is 👑

Photos 1-6 are from 2020 when he was being fostered, photo 7 is on his way to me, the remaining photos and video are from Friday’s reunion!

S/o to everyone who helped make this happen, especially Erica Young for fostering him this week until I could drive out there, @lindsey_anson for driving him halfway to Ohio to meet me, my dad for driving with me to get him. And, of course, Cash Girl because without her I truly don’t think all these pieces would have fallen into place ♥️

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